Mental Health Training Services

Balanced Living's training services assist clients with harnessing their best selves so they are better equipped to meet and overcome life's challenges as they come. Some of our focus areas include:

Motivational Interviewing

In motivational interviewing, we look to uplift willingness to change through non-judgmental listening, understanding, empathy, and empowerment. Through open-ended dialogue, we get to the core of our "whys" for present behavior as a basis for directing future behavior.


Mindfulness refers to our ability to be more self-aware and present, to focus on the here and now. It helps us enjoy the positives in our lives more deeply, and not overreact to the negatives too strongly. It is a skill anyone could stand to benefit from.

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care helps those who have experienced trauma take steps toward healing by creating a safe, controlled, trusting, collaborative, and empowered relationship between clients and service providers.

african american woman in peaceful contemplation

Become Balanced

It's never too late to start working toward a better you. I look forward to guiding you in this journey.